

The dream to produce a set of single-headed drums whose design reflects the current age in which we live was the inspiration behind the idea that has now become a reality……WARHEAD DRUMS™!

Initially however, it had it’s roots firmly set in the past, but NOT from the world of percussion.

Having always been fascinated by the American Civil War & it’s capacity for many contemporary inventions, I was surprised to learn that one of the very first Breach-Loading rifles was designed & developed by Major General Ambrose E. Burnside (his facial whiskers became known as ‘side-burns’) and manufactured in Providence Rhode Island where, incidentally, I met met my wife whilst supporting Radiohead with David Gray back in 1995.

I’ve owned an 1864 Burnside Carbine for some years now, along with one of it’s uniquely-shaped, unfired, original bullets. Inspired by this early bullet’s aerodynamic form, I found myself sketching a complete experimental drum kit, utilising a similar, but more developed shape for the drum shells.

I then approached my old friend & neighbour in Massachusetts, Paul Amaral, an internationally renowned fabricator specialising in producing major sculptural works of art for such names as Keith Haring, Roy Lichtenstein & Robert Indiana. Paul’s 30 year experience with fibreglass (amongst  other materials) was invaluable, as we both grappled with the practicalities of manufacturing a set of drums following the shape of my design.

Many hurdles have been crossed, and many lessons learnt, but after 3 years of experimentation with a variety of prototypes, the first generation of WARHEAD DRUMS™ was born.

The rest, as they say, is…THE FUTURE!

Interested? Get in touch!